The 5 Styles of Thinking, Explained — Moksha Living
We may not always be aware of it, but our brains have particular ways of working. There are 5 styles of thinking, and it’s important to understand how they affect our behavior.
Learning to figure out which thinking style is dominant in your brain can help you communicate better with others. Knowing how you think can also help you to make better decisions and become more successful.
Let’s look at each of the styles of thinking and see how you can use each technique to your advantage.
1. Idealist Thinkers
Idealists like to think about how to make things better. They want everything to be of the highest standard and often have ambitious goals that may be challenging to achieve.
An idealist tends to think about the bigger picture and may not pick up on the smaller details. This thinking style can encourage cooperation and teamwork.
While it can be fun to work with an enthusiastic idealist, it can also be difficult to attain their standards. This issue can sometimes negatively affect a relationship, so it’s important to be aware of this type of thinking.
2. The Pragmatists
Unlike idealists, pragmatists focus on details. As one of the more practical different styles of thinking, this method leads people to break projects into more manageable pieces. By achieving one task at a time, a pragmatist works steadily towards the overall goal.
Using this thinking style, pragmatists tend to get jobs finished rather than leaving them half completed. They can benefit from working with idealists who can provide an overall view to stop them from going in the wrong direction at times.
3. Synthesists Styles of Thinking
Like other thinking styles, synthesists use a blend of methods. Two common traits in this style are curiosity and creativity, allowing them to identify connections between objects or events.
If others do not understand this style of thinking, a synthesist can appear to be argumentative. In reality, they are considering the problem from different angles to come up with the best answer.
Synthesists need to work hard to show others they appreciate their views. When people realize this, they are more open to listening to alternative theories.
4. Realist Thinkers
Realists work quickly to solve problems. While this approach can be effective, they may miss out on other better options. When communicating with a realist, it’s important to understand they are trying to find a swift solution.
Otherwise, it can seem like they are being blunt and not listening to your opinion. Realists also love a challenge and can find day-to-day tasks quite mundane.
5. The Analysts
Analysts enjoy working with facts. If you can measure an activity or put it in a category, then an analytical thinking style can be beneficial. Using a logical thinking style, analysts can often see flaws in an argument that others may miss.
To avoid getting stuck in too much detail, an analyst can benefit from listening to people with other styles of thinking that may show them more innovative ideas.
Contact Us
There is no right or wrong way of thinking. Styles of thinking work well in combination. You can talk to others who use different thinking techniques or combine two or more methods in your own head.
If you’d like to understand how different thinking styles can help you in your life, contact Moksha Living today to make an appointment with one of our professionally qualified therapists.
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